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Hi, I'm Sandy

I'm the crochet designer behind Crocheted It. I love crocheting and love sharing my ideas even more, so follow me to learn new stitches, get free crochet patterns and broaden your crochet horizons. 

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How To Make Money From Crocheting

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There are several ways to make money from crocheting and some are not so obvious as others. The most obvious being that you can sell the crochet items you make to people you know or even online, I mean we have the amazing Etsy marketplace making it easier than ever to start an online crochet shop and I will cover that in this blog too.

The list of ways to make money crocheting is longer than just selling your crochet items online and I want to share with you the ways I personally make money from crocheting.

It can seem quite daunting when first starting a business, I've been there myself and I always seem to hit a roadblock (metaphorically speaking), but I have always persevered and found my way around things with the help of blogs. I have read hundreds of blogs and it can be hard finding up to date relevant information sometimes as the world is ever changing. So, you may think well I've seen a few of these blogs about how to make money crocheting but I hope in my blog you find current, up to date and useful information.

I will briefly cover each idea and if you want to find out more you can get a more in depth blog specifically about that idea.

Let's get to the point then!

Sell Your Crochet Items

There are many places to sell your crochet items from in person to an online store and within those margins are still several ways to do this.

If you like to be direct and want the customer interaction then selling at a local farmers market, town markets or on pop up stalls will be a wonderful way for you to sell. You could also think smaller and make a basket of items and ask a local shop to put them on display, like your local florist, after all what a better place to market your items, there your customers are already walking through the door to buy gifts for people, perfect!

On the other hand if you want to be able to sell from the comfort of your own home then an online store is for you, this could be on your own website, on Facebook and online marketplaces. There are suitable places out there that do all the advertising for you and the sales just come in, Etsy is the most talked about handmade marketplace but it is not the only one. You can find other marketplaces more specific to your niche, there is something for everyone.

I personally sell items I make on Etsy and Baby Chum, Etsy was where I first started my online shop an I don't think I'll ever leave as it brings in the most sales for me. I also started a selling on Baby Chum as the items I sold were mostly for babies and Baby Chum is a place for all things baby so it seemed like a great fit.

Sell Your Crochet Patterns

Selling your crochet items is very rewarding, to know someone has purchased something yo u have made is very fulfilling, however there are only so many hours in a day and it can be come physically tiresome to sit and crochet all day. This is what lead to me to think of other ways I could make money but still do what I love the most.

So, I started writing my first ever pattern back in 2014, it was simple, but it took me a lot of time and research, but once I did it and listed it the sales come in.

I sell my patterns on Etsy, Ravelry and Love Crafts these are 3 of the biggest online marketplaces to sell your crochet designs.

How to make money selling your crochet patterns here!

Start Teaching Crochet Lessons

Another way to make money crocheting is to start teaching others how to crochet, there are always people out there who want to learn a new craft and crochet is as popular as ever right now.

There are different ways you can do this as well, allowing you the choice again of working from home or getting out there and teaching in person. One way to teach crochet is to sell and online course, people can download the content and learn from the comfort of there own home.

I started a crochet club during lock down and had the pleasure of helping others to learn how to crochet, I had no experience and the idea all started with a post on my local Facebook page and grew from there.

How to make money teaching crochet lessons here!

Start A Crochet Blog

Starting a crochet blog may not be the most obvious way to make money but it is a great one. If you have something to say the likely hood is someone wants to hear it. How starting a blog can generate an income may not be so clear to some as I wondered this before I started.

To start a crochet blog you do need your own website, but that isn't hard to set up and is actually quite quick and simple. When creating your blog your creating a community, through your blog you get to spread the love of what you do and opportunities will open for you to work with brands and take part in great things.

I have started this blog at the same time as I started my website after I felt I needed a more than just a social media platform. I had more to say than an Instagram account would cater for and I knew blogs existed as I have always used them to educate myself. Of course as part of even starting a blog I read about million blogs on this subject first.

How to make money from a crochet blog!

Sell your Designs to Magazines

Now you may think I'm repeating myself here as I already mentioned above about selling your crochet patterns, however this idea needs a section for itself.

I started selling my patterns to magazines, I found a couple of magazines, submitted a handful of designs and within a week I had one commissioned. I have found it to be such an amazing experience and enjoy working with the editorial teams, they are such lovely people.

It wasn't long after I had one design commissioned I was then getting asked to be a part of other projects like Crochet Society Box.

The feeling of seeing my first ever design in a real life magazine was truly rewarding and of course this has helped me promote my self as a designer. It is a win win.

How to sell your crochet patterns to magazines!

These are not the only ways to make money from crocheting, but I can say I have tried and tested these ways. If you find any of these appealing and think you can do it then I have a written a blog on each way so you can find out a lot more about what it takes to make money from crocheting.

You can definitely turn your hobby in to a small business or career, having love for what you do and putting all that passion behind it will see you reach your goals.

Good luck,


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1 commentaire

Callum Hale
Callum Hale
15 févr. 2022

I love this. Can you share what magazines in particular that are open to people submitting there designs?

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